Our Lady's Mirror
Summer 1944
The tomb of
Fr Tooth
The ban, unfortunately, has made it necessary for all pilgrimages planned for this summer to
be cancelled, with the exception of those small local ones within the zone. The cessation of pilgrimages
has been a very serious matter for the maintenance of the Shrine, and we were hoping 1944 would have
seen the return of visitors to the Holy House.
For many years it has been the hope of those working at Walsingham to be able to establish a Choir
School to provide adequate music for the Shrine.
Such a School has been made possible through the kindness of Fr Eyden, the Headmaster of Quainton
Hall, Harrow. This is a preparatory for the public schools, consisting of some two hundred boys, in
connection with which there is a small boarding school in the country. Fr Eyden has been interested in
the proposed Shrine Choir School for some years, and when the Government requisitioned the premises
at Long Marston for war needs, he generously offered the School and its plant to the Shrine, if we could
open at Walsingham this summer. It was too good an offer and too opportune a chance to turn down. So
by June 1st, mid-term, we hope to have the nucleus of this foundation established here. The staff from
Long Marston is also coming, and this includes Mr. A. T. Batts, M.R.S.T., A.R.C.M., the well-known
plainsong expert, who trained the choir at S. Mary’s, Somers Town, which became so famous. The
Walsingham Choir School has no connection with any other Song School of the past or present.
Besides providing training in Church Music and Singing, a general education in preparation for the public
schools will be given. The Shrine will be used by the School, while it is proposed to allocate the Chapel of
S. George (Scouts’ Chapel) as their particular charge. The advantages of a sound Catholic training in the
formative years of a boy’s life need no comment.
As a temporary measure, until other premises become vacant, or it is possible to start building, the
School is to be housed in the Administrator’s Court, adjoining the Shrine. These premises are ultimately
for use of the Priests’ College, and they are being adapted in such a way that the College can take over
with a minimum of alteration. A close link will be maintained with the parent School at Harrow, and Fr
Eyden will remain Headmaster.
This venture, while adding to the burden of your prayers, should be of real interest to all readers of The
Mirror and friends of Walsingham and we hope that through them a constant supply of boys will be found
for the School. Copies of the prospectus can be had on application to the Secretary, The Shrine Office,
Walsingham. Special terms will be offered to boys with voices of exceptional promise. One of the first
necessities for singing is a good piano – one, at least; but try as we may we can find nothing worth
using; indeed, pianos are at a premium. Would any Friend of Walsingham or the Shrine venture, under
these difficult circumstances, to lend us, or better still, given an instrument, and so make us eternally
indebted, and become one of our first Benefactors? A good second-hand piano, if to be found, would suit
our needs, anyhow for the present. The School will be known as Quainton Hall School (Country Branch),
articles: 'S Julian's, Norwich'; Alban Baverstock, 'The Mariological Implications of the Protevangelium'
photographs: The tomb of Fr Tooth [above]; interior of the Holy House; The chapel of the Coronation of
Our Lady