Our Lady's Mirror

Summer 1943

Several small pilgrimages have been made to the Holy House this Summer, but the number of pilgrims has been very small, so many would-be “palmers” being occupied in war work, and those who could visit the Shrine seem to fear the long journey. Private pilgrims and visitors to the Hospice have been well up in numbers, and indeed during August there have been more guests staying for a few days at a time than ever since the Hospice was opened. It has been so nice seeing so many old friends. Priest Associates have responded manfully to our requests for their services as chaplains, and we have had, with the exception of one week, an unbroken chain of chaplains since Easter; and a large number of Priest Associates have made the pilgrimage. “William” has been home on leave on a few occasions this summer, and has rung the bells again, while his brother has from time to time taken his place in this office on Sundays. But beyond this occasional ringing we have not be able to have the accustomed chimes. At the moment the Bursar is away having a much-needed rest; the extra strain and amount of work with only one to assist in the Office have been a great tax on him, and one has wondered how long he could hold out. No-one except those actually working on the precincts has any idea of the amount of work entailed in running the Shrine. Some people seem to think it an “easy billet”! Will readers of the “Church Times” watch the advertisement columns for announcements of sermons and lectures which are being given from time to time, and support these gatherings by attending and taking friends, especially those who so far know nothing about the Shrine? COMPLAINTS FREE OF CHARGE Complaints sometimes reach us that money sent to the Shrine Office has not been acknowledged. A receipt is sent out for all donations; or for candles, tracts, or any other object. If a receipt does not reach you, either your kind gift or our receipt has gone astray. May we make a complaint? Often we are not notified of changes of address. Especially in the case of priests, we know that we are sending letters or notices to addresses from which a particular Father has moved, but having no other address given, we can do nothing else. Would all Priest Associates and members of S.O.L.W. please send their new addresses to the SHRINE OFFICE (and would lay members state the old address, as we have many members of the same name)? And please make arrangements with your relatives to notify us of your death, otherwise we cannot fulfil our Mass obligation. article: C A Tully, 'The Poets' Approach to Our Lady' photographs: Presentation of Our Lady in the Temple - one of five panels on the Gallery screen (by Enid Chadwick) [above]; Marriage of Our Lady and S Joseph on another panel of the same
Presentation of Our Lady: one of the five panels on the Gallery screen