Our Lady's Mirror
Autumn 1942
The Shrine prepared
for a requiem:
without the
Owing to the black-out all the evening services of the Parish are again being held in the
Pilgrimage Church.
The life of the Walsingham Sisters is going on with that quiet regularity and peaceful happiness which
are to be associated with the religious state. Improvements have been made to the community house
and a part of the Shrine grounds allotted to their private use. October 31 was the first anniversary of the
foundation of the Walsingham Priory. On account of the Vigil of All Saints this commemoration was
observed on the previous day, October 30, as a dies non for the community with a solemn Mass
beautifully sung by the Sisters.
The Hospice – the Pilgrimage and Priory Guest Home – is still open and at the moment there are two
vacancies for permanent (war-time) visitors from within the military zone. We have been told over the
wireless that the ban restricting this district has been lifted for the winter months, as last year.
Warning. We very much regret to have to warn all our friends not to lend money or assist in any way a
woman who is going round asking people to help her to come to Walsingham either in order to see the
Warden about the post of Matron to the Home, or who says that she is the Matron. Information should
be given to Father Patten at once before giving any aid to this person. She has been a great nuisance to
the authorities of the Home and has already been summonsed for entering the restricted area.
articles: obituary of Fr Frank Burnett; Donald Hole, 'The Veneration of Images' (part 1)
photographs: the Shrine prepared for a requiem - without the catafalque [above]; chapel on HMS
Barham as arranged by Fr Burnett