Our Lady's Mirror
Winter 1935
Enid updated this map in 1963. They are both in copyright until 31 December 2057.
from Our Lady's Mirror, Winter Number 1935:
"The Map depicts the roads leading to the Shrine from Houghton, Wells, Norwich and
Egmere, as well as the rail road. S. Francis of Assisi is seen grieving over the
destruction of his Friary. S. Augustine of Hippo still extends his blessing to all who
visit the ruins of the Priory, once occupied by his Canons. The entrance gate will be
recognised by frequenters of the village, as will also the old pump house in the
Common Place. The Hospice of Our Lady and the Black Lion Hotel are also marked, so
that visitors need have no difficulty in finding their hostelries, and the names of
several streets are also given, so that pilgrims who are sleeping in other houses can,
with the aid of their card, easily find their lodgings."